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Understanding the Irreversible Functions of Kidneys and Their Management.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 9.

Hello, everyone! Today, I'd like to share important information about kidney disease. Kidneys play a crucial role in the body, and when these vital organs are damaged, various health issues can arise. Despite their significance, kidney disease remains a mysterious condition for many. In this post, we'll delve into the causes and prevention of kidney disease.


Understanding the Irreversible Functions of Kidneys and Their Management.
Kidneys play a vital role in our health, and early symptoms of kidney disease may be subtle.


Role of Kidneys

Firstly, let's briefly explore what kidneys are. Kidneys filter waste from the body, excreting it as urine. They also regulate the volume and composition of bodily fluids, produce hormones, and manage metabolic functions. When kidneys malfunction, metabolic functions decline, leading to issues such as high blood pressure, swelling, appetite loss, anemia, and damage to bones and blood vessels.


Rise in Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease refers to a condition where kidney damage or impairment persists for more than three months. Globally, an estimated 11% of the population is believed to be suffering from chronic kidney disease. In South Korea, the number of patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease more than doubled from 2012 to 2022, according to statistics from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. The patient count increased from 137,003 in 2012 to 296,397 in 2022.


Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease is classified into stages 1-5 based on the degree of reduction in kidney function, assessed using the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The criteria for each stage are as follows:


  • Stage 1 (GFR ≥ 90): Normal function, but signs of damage may appear through other indicators or symptoms.
  • Stage 2 (GFR 60-89): Mild reduction in function with additional signs of damage.
  • Stage 3 (GFR 30-59): Moderate reduction in function, with the onset of various complications.
  • Stage 4 (GFR 15-29): Severe reduction in function, worsening complications such as anemia and bone diseases.
  • Stage 5 (GFR < 15): End-stage, requiring dialysis or transplantation.


Primary Causes and Accelerating Factors of Kidney Damage

The main cause of kidney damage or impairment is aging, but individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension may experience a faster progression of kidney damage. For example, glomerular filtration rate naturally decreases in individuals over 40, but the presence of diabetes or hypertension can accelerate this decline. Additionally, genetic factors, exposure to certain medications, or toxic substances can also contribute to kidney damage.


Prevention of Kidney Disease

To prevent kidney disease, several precautions should be taken:


  1. Regular check-ups and consultation with specialists: Early detection of symptoms of chronic kidney disease through regular health check-ups is crucial for prompt and appropriate treatment.
  2. Maintain stable blood pressure and blood sugar levels: If you have hypertension or diabetes, it's essential to keep blood pressure and blood sugar within normal ranges.
  3. Proper weight management: Balancing a healthy diet and regular exercise is crucial to maintaining an appropriate weight.
  4. Low-sodium diet and dietary plans for weight management: As kidney function declines, intake of nutrients like protein, potassium, and phosphorus may need to be restricted. However, this should be done under the guidance of a professional.
  5. Adequate fluid intake: While it's important to consume 4-6 glasses of water per day, caution should be exercised in cases of severe kidney impairment.
  6. Avoid alcohol and tobacco: Alcohol and tobacco can accelerate kidney damage and should be avoided.


Kidneys play a vital role in our health, and early symptoms of kidney disease may be subtle. Regular health check-ups, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding factors that stress the kidneys are crucial for ensuring healthy waste elimination and metabolic function. If kidney function deteriorates, seeking advice from healthcare professionals and adhering to tailored treatment and management plans is essential. Let's take an interest in our kidney health and practice appropriate management for a healthier future!
