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Year-End Season: Choosing Healthier Drinking Snacks with "Meoktae"

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 9.

It's common for salty and greasy snacks to be served at gatherings where alcohol is consumed. However, these snacks can be high in calories and contribute to weight gain. If you're conscious of your health, why not consider "meoktae" (dried pollack) as a drinking snack? In this blog, we'll explore why meoktae is an excellent choice for a drinking snack.


Year-End Season: Choosing Healthier Drinking Snacks with "Meoktae"
Choosing the right snacks while reducing overall alcohol intake is key to a healthy drinking session.


The Importance of Choosing the Right Snacks when Drinking

When consuming alcohol, it's advisable to choose snacks that regulate the absorption rate of alcohol. Protein, fruits, and vegetables are suitable options. In particular, high-protein foods provide a sense of fullness and assist in the regeneration of liver cells damaged by alcohol. From this perspective, meoktae, with its high protein content and low calories, is an ideal drinking snack.


Nutritional Composition of Meoktae

According to the Korea Food and Drug Administration, 100g of meoktae contains 82.7g of protein, exceeding 151% of the recommended daily intake of protein. It contains minimal carbohydrates and only 2.4g of lipids, making meoktae a high-protein food compared to the same amount of dried fish or squid.


Caloric and Mineral Content of Meoktae

The caloric content of 100g of meoktae is 372kcal, similar to a bowl of rice. However, the actual consumed amount is about 25-30g, resulting in a relatively low calorie intake. Meoktae is rich in minerals, aiding in alcohol metabolism and reducing hangover effects. It contains abundant calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and niacin.


Key to Healthy Drinking

Adhering to the recommended alcohol intake is crucial when drinking. The World Health Organization suggests a daily limit of less than 40g for men (equivalent to 4 shots of soju) and less than 20g for women (equivalent to 2 shots of soju). Additionally, drinking slowly, dividing the consumption into several rounds, and staying well-hydrated are important habits. After enjoying a drinking session, it's advisable to abstain from alcohol for at least 2-3 days.


Choosing the right snacks while reducing overall alcohol intake is key to a healthy drinking session. Meoktae, as a high-protein, low-calorie snack, is ideal for minimizing the impact of alcohol. Make the right choices for a delightful drinking experience while taking care of your health!
