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Veganism and Health: The Efficacy of Plant-Based Proteins.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 10.

According to recent findings from a German research team, substituting animal-based proteins with plant-based proteins can improve heart health and reduce the risk of death from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This meta-analysis combined data from 37 studies to unveil the correlation between transitioning to various plant-based foods and the risk of mortality.


Veganism and Health: The Efficacy of Plant-Based Proteins.
Balancing the intake of animal-based and plant-based proteins in the diet is crucial, considering factors such as saturated fat, protein content, quality, added sugar, as well as vitamin and mineral content.


The results indicate a significant decrease in the risk of heart metabolism issues and all-cause mortality when animal-based proteins are replaced with plant-based proteins. Specifically, substituting processed meat with nuts showed a 27% reduction, with legumes a 23% reduction, and with whole grains a 36% reduction in mortality risk. Replacing red meat with whole grains resulted in a 10% decrease, while substituting poultry with whole grains showed a 23% reduction. Moreover, replacing dairy or eggs with nuts demonstrated a 6% and 15% reduction in mortality risk, respectively.


Compounds found in processed meat, such as saturated fatty acids, sodium, and nitrites, contribute to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. In contrast, plant-based proteins like nuts, legumes, and whole grains are rich in fiber, vitamins, polyphenols, and other antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components, promoting cardiovascular health. Additionally, an increased intake of plant-based proteins has been linked to improved heart health, blood sugar regulation, regular bowel movements, and reduced inflammation, effective in preventing and managing chronic diseases.


However, completely excluding animal-based proteins is not recommended, as they provide different nutritional elements. For instance, choline in eggs enhances memory, and heme iron in beef has high bioavailability, promoting muscle formation.


Balancing the intake of animal-based and plant-based proteins in the diet is crucial, considering factors such as saturated fat, protein content, quality, added sugar, as well as vitamin and mineral content. It is essential to consider the nutritional contributions of each protein source and create a diverse and balanced diet for overall health.
