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The Key to Living Longer: Choosing Your Food Wisely.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 10.

In today's society, maintaining a healthy eating habit is crucial for longevity and an enhanced quality of life. Recent research suggests that reducing sugar and processed meat intake can extend life expectancy by 3 to 10 years. Building on these findings, the importance of food choices in reducing premature death rates due to unhealthy diets is emphasized in the United Kingdom.


The Key to Living Longer: Choosing Your Food Wisely.
Maintaining a healthy eating habit enriches our lives and significantly influences our life expectancy.


Healthy Eating Guidelines in the UK

Public Health England (PHE) underscores the significance of a healthy diet through the "Eatwell Guide." This guide recommends limiting daily consumption of red and processed meat to 70g or less, preferring alternative proteins such as beans or fish. It advocates for a plant-based diet, encouraging abundant intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while minimizing high-fat, high-salt, and high-sugar foods.


Lifespan Extension Effects According to Research Results

A collaborative research team from the University of Glasgow, Newcastle University, and the University of Bergen in Norway investigated the impact of dietary changes on life expectancy. The study confirmed that adhering to the Eatwell Guide leads to increased life expectancy across various age groups. Based on tracking the life expectancy of 467,354 participants categorized into five groups, those adhering to the Eatwell Guide showed an average extension of life expectancy by approximately 3 years. Furthermore, results indicated that transitioning from the least compliant group to the most compliant group could result in an additional 10 years of life expectancy.


Lifespan Extension Effects Regardless of Age

Surprisingly, the research revealed that even in older age, improving dietary habits can extend life expectancy. For individuals aged 70, not adhering to the Eatwell Guide showed an average increase of 3 to 4 years in life expectancy when improving dietary habits toward compliance.


Recommendations Based on Research Results

Professor Lars Pedersen, one of the study's authors, emphasized that reducing the consumption of sugar-added beverages and processed meat while increasing the intake of whole grains and nuts significantly improves life expectancy. He highlighted that while exercise and nutritional supplements are essential, consuming nutritious foods appropriately is even more critical.


Maintaining a healthy eating habit enriches our lives and significantly influences our life expectancy. Developing habits that reduce sugar and processed meat intake while ensuring a balanced intake of various nutrients can contribute to a healthier and longer life.
