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Holding Back Leads to Illness: Discover Effective Ways to Manage Anger.

by OK2BU 2024. 5. 31.

We all experience anger. It is a natural and normal emotion, but if not managed properly, it can lead to serious health problems. Suppressing or excessively expressing anger can cause cardiovascular diseases, mental health issues, and deterioration of relationships. Therefore, learning to manage anger healthily is crucial. In this post, we will explore the impact of anger on health and various effective methods to manage it.


Holding Back Leads to Illness: Discover Effective Ways to Manage Anger.
While anger is a natural emotion, mishandling it can be harmful to health.


Anger and Health: Why Manage It?

Both suppressing and excessively expressing anger are harmful to health. Suppressing anger increases the risk of cardiovascular disease because holding in negative emotions accelerates heart rate and increases the risk of hypertension. On the other hand, frequent outbursts of anger weaken the prefrontal cortex's regulatory function, making it difficult to control impulses. This can lead to anger management disorders or intermittent explosive disorder, which can ultimately ruin important tasks or relationships.


Frequent excitation of the sympathetic nervous system increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. If you suspect you have an anger management disorder, it is better to seek professional treatment rather than trying to manage it alone. It is important to learn to manage emotions healthily through psychological counseling or medication.


Simple Methods to Manage Anger

There are several ways to manage anger healthily. Here are a few simple yet effective methods.

Writing and Tearing Up

One effective way to manage anger is to write down everything that made you angry on paper and then tear it up. This is a safe way to express negative emotions externally without causing direct harm. This process helps in visualizing and physically releasing the emotions.

Shifting Focus

Focusing on something else, like counting numbers, looking at specific patterns, or counting objects around you, can also be effective. Activating the logical left brain can reduce the activity of the emotional right brain. This helps in reducing the intensity of anger and finding calmness.

Physical Activity

Engaging in physical activities like walking in the sunshine can help manage anger. It increases the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that stabilizes mood. Regular exercise reduces overall stress levels and helps manage anger effectively.


Crying loudly can also be a method. Tears release catecholamines, which are stress hormones, thus stabilizing the mind. Crying is a natural way to release emotions and alleviate emotional pressure.


Habits to Prevent Anger

Preventing anger is as important as managing it. The following habits can help prevent anger.

Regular Exercise

Exercise reduces stress and promotes the release of endorphins, which improve mood. Regular exercise increases resilience to stress and makes it less likely to feel anger.

Healthy Eating Habits

Maintaining physical and mental health through a balanced diet is crucial. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals can increase resistance to stress.

Adequate Sleep

Adequate sleep helps in the recovery of the body and mind. Lack of sleep makes it easy to get irritated and angry. It is advisable to get 7-8 hours of sleep per day.

Meditation and Breathing Exercises

Meditation and breathing exercises are effective in reducing stress and calming the mind. Regularly practicing meditation or deep breathing helps in calming the mind.


Long-Term Strategies for Managing Anger

Long-term strategies are also necessary for managing anger. These help in consistently managing emotions in everyday life.

Psychological Counseling

Receiving help from a professional psychological counselor can help identify the causes of anger and learn how to manage it healthily. Psychological counseling can provide personalized strategies for emotion management.

Social Support

Sharing emotions and receiving support through conversations with family or friends can help. Social support significantly reduces stress and helps manage emotions healthily.


Engaging in hobbies that you enjoy is important for relieving stress and experiencing positive emotions. This helps in preventing anger and managing emotions healthily.

Education and Learning

Learning about emotion management through education is beneficial. Learning emotion management skills through various books or lectures can be helpful.



While anger is a natural emotion, mishandling it can be harmful to health. By learning various methods to manage anger and applying them in daily life, you can practice healthy emotion management. Regular exercise, healthy eating habits, adequate sleep, and psychological counseling are long-term strategies to prevent anger and maintain a healthy life. Remember that emotion management is essential for a healthy life and actively practice it.
