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Understanding Why You Get a Headache When You Drink Cold Water Quickly.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 1.

As summer approaches, more people are seeking refreshing drinks to cool down. Ice water, in particular, is effective for beating the heat, but sometimes drinking it too quickly can cause a sudden headache, often described as a 'brain freeze'. Let's delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and how to prevent it.


Scientific Causes of Headaches After Consuming Ice Water

The Relationship Between the Trigeminal Nerve and Headaches

When you rapidly consume ice water or other cold beverages, your brain reacts to protect your body. Specifically, blood vessels in the roof of your mouth and throat contract suddenly, stimulating the trigeminal nerve. This nerve is one of the main nerves extending from the brain to the face and is responsible for sensing cold and transmitting this information to the brain.


When the trigeminal nerve is stimulated, the brain signals the body to increase the supply of warm blood. During this process, blood vessels in the brain expand, leading to a rapid increase in blood flow. Studies have shown that drinking ice water causes a significant increase in blood flow in the anterior cerebral artery. This change in blood flow is a primary cause of headaches.

Interaction Between Nerves and Blood Vessels

The temperature change in the mouth is communicated to the brain via the trigeminal nerve. The brain responds by interacting with nerves and blood vessels to cope with this change. Sudden contraction and expansion of blood vessels due to temperature shifts can stimulate nerves, causing pain. Since the trigeminal nerve is responsible for sensations in the face and head, its stimulation can easily lead to headaches.


Understanding Why You Get a Headache When You Drink Cold Water Quickly.
Headaches caused by drinking ice water or cold beverages quickly are due to the stimulation of the trigeminal nerve and sudden changes in blood vessels.


Methods to Alleviate and Prevent Headaches

Habits for Drinking Beverages Slowly

The most effective way to prevent headaches is to drink cold beverages slowly. Drinking quickly can cause blood vessels and nerves to react abruptly, leading to headaches, but drinking slowly can mitigate these reactions. Additionally, allowing the body to gradually adjust to the beverage's temperature helps maintain steady blood flow and oxygen supply, preventing headaches.

Methods to Alleviate Headaches

If you experience a headache after drinking a cold beverage, you can quickly alleviate it using the following methods.

  • Drinking Warm Water: After consuming a cold drink, drinking warm water can increase your body temperature and stabilize blood vessels, reducing the headache.
  • Pressing Your Tongue Against the Roof of Your Mouth: This can raise the temperature in your mouth, reducing the stimulation of the trigeminal nerve and alleviating the headache.
  • Covering Your Mouth and Nose and Exhaling: This method helps warm the roof of your mouth, effectively relieving the headache.


Other Related Symptoms

Pain Around the Eyes

Some people experience pain around their eyes when consuming cold foods. This is also due to the trigeminal nerve, which connects to the area around the eyes. Especially for those with migraines, this nerve is often more sensitive, making such symptoms more frequent.

Connection with Migraines

People with migraines have a trigeminal nerve that reacts more sensitively even under normal conditions, making cold beverages or foods more likely to trigger headaches. In these cases, avoiding cold foods or regulating the consumption speed is crucial.



Headaches caused by drinking ice water or cold beverages quickly are due to the stimulation of the trigeminal nerve and sudden changes in blood vessels. To prevent this, it's important to cultivate a habit of drinking cold beverages slowly. If a headache does occur, drinking warm water or warming the roof of your mouth can quickly alleviate it. By taking these simple measures, you can enjoy refreshing beverages in the summer without the discomfort of headaches and maintain your health.
