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To What Extent Are Advertising Models Obliged? Comparing Kim Yuna's Disappointing Move with Son Heung-min.

by OK2BU 2024. 6. 1.

In modern marketing, the role of celebrity advertising models is crucial in shaping brand images and influencing consumer purchasing decisions. However, when an advertising model uses a different brand in their personal life, it can create confusion among consumers. Recently, the 'figure queen' Kim Yuna sparked such controversy by posting a selfie. Although Kim Yuna is the advertising model for SK Telecom's Galaxy S24, the photo featured an Apple iPhone instead of a Samsung Galaxy. This incident brings to light the complex relationship between the obligations of advertising models and their real-life choices.


To What Extent Are Advertising Models Obliged? Comparing Kim Yuna's Disappointing Move with Son Heung-min.
The role of an advertising model extends beyond promoting a brand to instilling trust in consumers.


Kim Yuna and the iPhone: The Full Story

Kim Yuna recently posted three selfies on her Instagram with the caption 'May flew by.' In the photos, she is holding a phone with a single rear camera lens, covered in a green case, presumed to be an Apple iPhone SE series. The iPhone SE series is Apple’s budget model, with the latest iPhone SE3 released in 2022.


These photos quickly caught the attention of netizens. One commented, "Frugally using the phone for a long time," while another noted, "Yuna has two phones. She uses an iPhone for selfies and a Galaxy Z Flip for regular use." These reactions align with a recent trend of using older iPhones for their unique vintage-style photo quality.


Older iPhones provide a distinctive blurred and faded effect, similar to film cameras. Consequently, many people buy old iPhones from second-hand markets like Carrot Market for photography purposes. This trend was also boosted by the appearance of digital camcorders in NewJeans' 'Ditto' music video, further popularizing vintage cameras.


Comparing Kim Yuna with Son Heung-min

Kim Yuna's recent selfie controversy is often compared to soccer player Son Heung-min. Son Heung-min is known for maintaining a consistent brand image, which earns public trust as an advertising model. He uses the products of the brands he models for and supports them in official appearances, thus gaining consumer trust.


Son Heung-min’s example shows how significantly an advertising model can impact a brand’s image. When an advertising model visibly uses the brand's products, it instills trust in consumers, increasing the likelihood of purchases.


The Obligations of Advertising Models: Actual Use and Brand Loyalty

The primary role of an advertising model is to convey the brand's value to consumers and positively promote its products. This goes beyond merely appearing in advertisements to also showing the use of the brand’s products in daily life.


Kim Yuna's use of an Apple iPhone, despite being a Samsung Galaxy advertising model, can be seen as failing to fulfill her obligations as a model. This can confuse consumers and negatively impact the brand’s image.


Netizen Reactions and Consumer Perception

Reactions to Kim Yuna’s selfie controversy varied. Some praised her frugality for using an old phone, while others questioned her role as an advertising model. Comments like "Frugally using the phone for a long time" and "Even Yuna might find it bothersome to frequently change phones and transfer data" reflect an attempt to understand her everyday habits.


However, considering the role of an advertising model, such everyday habits send a significant message to consumers. Using a different brand’s product in personal life can suggest low brand loyalty, negatively affecting consumer trust in that brand.


The Popularity and Trend of Older iPhones

Kim Yuna’s use of an iPhone may reflect more than just a personal choice. With the recent retro craze, using older iPhones for photography has become a trend. Older iPhones provide a distinctive vintage feel, appealing particularly to younger generations.


Although Kim Yuna’s use of an old iPhone may reflect this trend, it might appear as a failure to fulfill her duties as an advertising model. Models should prioritize maintaining consistent brand images over personal preferences and trends.


The role of an advertising model extends beyond promoting a brand to instilling trust in consumers. Kim Yuna’s selfie controversy illustrates the impact of an advertising model using a different brand’s product in personal life. It highlights the complex relationship between the obligations of advertising models and their real-life choices.


Models like Son Heung-min, who show consistent brand loyalty, build consumer trust, increasing the likelihood of purchases. Kim Yuna’s case underscores the importance of maintaining a consistent brand image. Advertising models must prioritize brand consistency over personal preferences and trends to fulfill their obligations effectively.
