One of the most challenging aspects of dieting is controlling one's appetite. Since completely abstaining from food is not an easy task, is there a natural way to encourage eating less?
Developing the habit of chewing food for an extended period can be beneficial for a diet. Chewing food for a longer duration reduces the likelihood of overeating. The longer you chew, the more saliva is produced, which contains an enzyme called amylase that breaks down carbohydrates. This process leads to a rapid breakdown of starches in food, resulting in an increase in blood sugar levels. Once blood sugar levels reach a certain point, signals of satiety are sent from the brain, helping to curb overindulgence. Therefore, it's important to chew food for at least 30 minutes or more.
Furthermore, for the sake of your health, adopting the habit of thoroughly chewing food is recommended. Sufficient jaw movement not only reduces bad breath but also enhances brain health. Insufficient chewing leads to inadequate saliva production, causing dryness in the mouth and creating an environment where anaerobic bacteria can thrive. These bacteria produce gases like hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and methyl mercaptan (CH3SH), which are responsible for bad breath. Hence, ample jaw movement is necessary to maintain a moist oral environment.
The habit of extended chewing also has positive effects on the brain. Through the exercise of jaw movement, blood flow to the brain improves, ensuring optimal oxygen supply. This, in turn, enhances memory and concentration. A study conducted by a team of researchers at Cardiff University in the UK found that participants who chewed gum outperformed those who didn't when it came to recalling numbers from 1 to 9. Additionally, jaw movement stimulates the secretion of parotin hormone, which increases blood vessel elasticity and activates white blood cell functions. This can potentially help reduce the risk of vascular dementia.
Starting now, through this eating technique, you can enjoy your meals and keep unwanted weight gain at bay! Live a healthier and happier life through balanced eating habits!
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