Many people have experienced the phenomenon of an itchy back becoming more noticeable as they age. What are the causes of this itching sensation, and how can it be prevented?
As we age, the skin undergoes aging, leading to increased dryness and reduced activity of the eccrine sweat glands responsible for sweat secretion. In particular, the back may feel itchier compared to other areas due to fewer sebaceous glands. The back has lower fat distribution and moisture content, and its limited movement leads to lower blood circulation compared to other areas. As a result, oxygen and nutrient supply become more challenging, causing the skin to become dry and prone to itching.
However, scratching the back when it itches provides only temporary relief and does not alleviate ongoing symptoms. In fact, scratching can further stimulate the skin, potentially intensifying the itchiness. In severe cases, this behavior may lead to wounds and changes in the skin's color. Therefore, to prevent and alleviate itching, it is important to use moisturizers adequately. Moisturizers containing skin lipid components like ceramides rapidly replenish the lipids lacking in the skin. When applying moisturizer, it's recommended to do so within 3 minutes after showering, with a slight amount of moisture still present on the skin. This way, more moisture can be retained in the skin. Using lukewarm water instead of hot water during showers and finishing within 20 minutes can also help prevent skin dryness. Additionally, regularly stretching the back area promotes blood circulation and aids in preventing itching.
However, severe itching may be a symptom of various diseases beyond skin dryness. Diabetes, endocrine disorders, shingles, liver diseases, kidney diseases, neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis, and neurogenic dermatitis are common examples. If other abnormalities accompany skin itching, it is advisable to carefully observe and seek medical attention.
The phenomenon of an itchy back as we age can be alleviated through moisturization. Additionally, maintaining a regular stretching routine and employing appropriate showering techniques can help prevent skin dryness and maintain healthier skin.
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