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Potato Shoots are Harmful, but Sweet Potato Shoots Are Beneficial!

by OK2BU 2023. 11. 16.

As winter arrives and the cold intensifies, the season of sweet potatoes is upon us. However, when storing sweet potatoes, there are instances where shoots may grow. Let's explore whether sweet potato shoots are safe to consume, unlike their toxic counterparts in potatoes, and learn about the nutritional benefits and effects of sweet potato shoots.


Potato Shoots are Harmful, but Sweet Potato Shoots Are Beneficial!
Sweet potato shoots are safe to consume without any toxic substances and, in fact, offer a variety of nutrients beneficial for health.


Sweet Potato Shoots: Surprisingly Good for Your Body?

In the case of potatoes, shoots contain a toxic substance called solanine, making them unsafe for consumption. However, when it comes to sweet potatoes, shoots can be safely consumed as they do not contain any toxic substances. In fact, sweet potato shoots can have positive effects on nutrition intake. Yoo Kyung-dan, an agricultural researcher at the National Academy of Agricultural Science, explains, "Sweet potato shoots, being part of the sweet potato vine, are rich in nutrients and contain antioxidant compounds." Sweet potato vines contain abundant antioxidants such as lutein, beta-carotene, and anthocyanin, which are beneficial for health.


Sweet Potato Shoots: Anti-inflammatory and Anti-diabetic Effects

Research indicates that the tips of sweet potato vines, including young leaves and stems, have anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects. A study by the Rural Development Administration's research team injected sweet potato vine extract into rat pancreatic cells and observed up to a 76.4% inhibition of nitric oxide production. Furthermore, measurements of the inhibition of postprandial blood sugar elevation enzyme activity showed enzyme activity suppression of up to 81%, depending on the sweet potato variety.


Nutrient-Rich Sweet Potato Shoots

Sweet potato shoots are rich in nutrients such as lutein, beta-carotene, and anthocyanin. Lutein contributes to maintaining macular pigment density, while beta-carotene and anthocyanin are powerful antioxidants. Orange sweet potatoes, in particular, provide nutrients at levels similar to spinach, with 47mg of lutein, 183.4mg of beta-carotene, and 317.9mg of anthocyanin.


Utilizing Sweet Potato Shoots

Sweet potato shoots can be consumed by peeling off the skin or by boiling them whole in soups. Dried sweet potato shoots are also available in markets or grocery stores and can be used in various dishes even in their dehydrated state. Dried sweet potato shoots can be prepared as a side dish or incorporated into dishes like rice mixed with vegetables.


Sweet potato shoots are safe to consume without any toxic substances and, in fact, offer a variety of nutrients beneficial for health. Explore various recipes by incorporating sweet potato shoots into your diet. A healthy diet positively impacts our bodies, making the consumption of sweet potato shoots a wise choice for obtaining diverse nutrients.
