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Grow Your Hair with Proper Care: Understanding the Post-Hair Transplant Phase. After undergoing a hair transplant, most patients experience a phase called the 'post-transplant shedding phase' about 2-3 weeks after the procedure. This is a crucial stage in the hair transplant process, where scabs form over the transplanted follicles, and as these scabs shed, the hair also falls out. This phase often causes anxiety and concern among patients, but it is a normal part of the h.. 2024. 5. 19.
Understanding the Causes and Management of Darkened Elbows. As summer approaches and we start wearing short sleeves, something occasionally catches our attention: our elbows turning dark. Once hidden beneath clothing, they become a noticeable concern once exposed. So, why do our elbows darken?  Elbow Characteristics and Friction Firstly, elbows protrude, leading to frequent friction with external surfaces. This friction can induce pigmentation. Similarly.. 2024. 5. 19.
The Surprising Element Needed for Dieting: Sleep is Medicine. In our lives, sleep isn't just a mere break; it's an essential component for health and beauty. However, many people tend to neglect sleep amidst their busy schedules. This lack of sleep can have negative effects on our health and skin. Let's delve into the details.  Sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain Lack of sleep can disrupt our body's metabolism. Without adequate sleep, our bodies tend.. 2024. 5. 19.
Vital Health Indicator for Middle-Aged Men: My Testosterone Levels Determine Longevity. With increasing understanding and interest in the health of middle-aged men, research on testosterone levels is gaining more attention. Recent studies have revealed that men with low testosterone levels are at a higher risk of premature death. Testosterone is the male hormone, with normal levels ranging from 300 to 900 ng/dL in adult men. As men age, testosterone naturally declines, a process th.. 2024. 5. 19.
Safety Tips for Healthy Aging: Understanding and Preventing Bladder Cancer Symptoms. Bladder cancer is often characterized by painless hematuria, or blood in the urine. When such symptoms arise, prompt screening and action are necessary. Early detection and treatment can lead to higher survival rates. Therefore, along with awareness of the main symptoms of bladder cancer, it's important to maintain healthy lifestyle habits and actively practice prevention measures.  Painless hem.. 2024. 5. 18.
팔꿈치가 까맣게 변하는 원인과 관리 방법에 대해 알아보자. 여름이 다가오면 반팔을 입게 되는데, 그렇게 되면 가끔 눈에 띄는 것이 있습니다. 그것은 우리의 팔꿈치가 검게 변한 것입니다. 한때는 옷에 가려져 보이지 않았지만, 한 번 드러나기 시작하면 계속해서 신경 쓰이는 부분이 되곤 합니다. 그렇다면 왜 팔꿈치는 검게 변하게 될까요?  팔꿈치의 특성과 마찰 우선적으로 팔꿈치는 돌출된 부위이기 때문에 외부와의 마찰이 자주 발생합니다. 이러한 마찰은 피부의 색소 침착을 유발할 수 있습니다. 이와 비슷하게 무릎이나 겨드랑이, 사타구니 등도 자주 접히고 접히며 마찰이 발생하여 검게 변할 수 있습니다. 또한, 팔꿈치의 피부는 상대적으로 두껍고 주름이 많아서 주름이 반복되면서 피부가 건조해지고 색소 침착이 발생할 수 있습니다.   팔꿈치 관리 방법 팔꿈치가 거뭇해지고 검게 .. 2024. 5. 18.