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The Silent Organ: Pancreatic Cancer's Danger Signals. Let's Detect Symptoms Early. Pancreatic cancer is often referred to as the silent organ, representing one of the most perilous cancers with a very low survival rate. It's typically detected in advanced stages, leading to its low survival rate. However, there are several danger signals that indicate pancreatic issues. Let's explore the five key danger signals sent by pancreatic cancer.   Severe abdominal pain accompanied by .. 2024. 2. 28.
Why Does Facial Fat Reduce First During Dieting? When many people start dieting, they primarily aim to reduce fat in specific areas of their body. However, during the course of a diet, it's not uncommon for the face to slim down first, and in some cases, signs of aging may appear more rapidly. Why does this happen, and what can be done about it? Firstly, let's understand why the face slims down and ages during a diet. Our bodies tend to lose f.. 2024. 2. 28.
Uterine Fibroids: Frequent Urination May Not Always Indicate Incontinence. When there's a frequent urge to urinate, we naturally suspect incontinence. However, for women, these symptoms can sometimes signal uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are tumors that develop due to abnormal growth of muscle cells within the uterus, often appearing as hard lumps. While the incidence of these tumors is increasing annually, prevention and early detection are not straightforward. Th.. 2024. 2. 28.
Easy Way to Remove Fishy Smell from Hands While Cooking Fish. When handling ingredients like fish or kimchi during cooking, it's common for your hands to pick up odors. To eliminate such odors, specific methods and ingredients are necessary. Here, we'll explore an effective method using stainless steel.  First, let's delve into how to remove fish smell from hands. Fish odor mainly stems from compounds like trimethylamine and methanethiol. These compounds, .. 2024. 2. 28.