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Exploring DIY Methods to Transform Dry Winter Skin into Glowing, Hydrated Skin. During the harsh winter season, the cold and dry winds can adversely affect the skin. Skin becomes dry, cracked, sensitive, and may even turn red and itchy. Let's explore various methods that can assist in managing winter skincare challenges.  Stay Hydrated: The First Step in Skin Moisture In winter, it's challenging to feel thirsty due to less perspiration. However, staying adequately hydrated .. 2024. 1. 19.
Examining the Effects and Side Effects of Vitamin D Injections Claimed to Boost Immunity. One of the frequently encountered advertisements in local clinics and hospitals is for "Vitamin D injections." However, we aim to share information about the effects and potential side effects of these injections to help individuals make informed decisions. The Reality of Vitamin D DeficiencyAccording to the Korean Medical Association, 96.8% of Korean men and 93.9% of women experience vitamin D .. 2024. 1. 19.
Understanding the Pain in Your Ears When Blowing Your Nose. If your nose is congested due to a cold or sinusitis, clearing it is a necessary health practice. However, exerting excessive force or forcefully blowing both nostrils simultaneously can be linked to conditions such as otitis media or eardrum perforation. Connection Between the Nose and Ears: Prevention of Substance BackflowThe nose and ears are connected through the Eustachian tube, which links.. 2024. 1. 19.
Thyroid Dysfunction: Characteristics and Management of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. The thyroid, located in the front of the neck, is an essential endocrine gland responsible for secreting thyroid hormones that regulate body metabolism. However, thyroid dysfunction, whether excessive or insufficient, can have various effects on the body, particularly affecting women. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics of thyroid dysfunction and explore appropriate managemen.. 2024. 1. 18.