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Enhancing the Flavor at the Table: Different Storage Methods for Sesame Oil and Perilla Oil.

by OK2BU 2023. 12. 10.

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk about two healthy ingredients, perilla oil and sesame oil. These oils are rich in omega-3, omega-6, and other beneficial components, making them beloved by many for their health benefits. However, did you know that improper storage of these oils can not only affect their taste but also lead to the formation of harmful substances in the body? Let's delve into this important information together.


Enhancing the Flavor at the Table: Different Storage Methods for Sesame Oil and Perilla Oil.
We have now learned about the storage methods for healthy perilla oil and sesame oil.


Storage Method for Perilla Oil

Perilla oil contains over 60% of alpha-linolenic acid, which enhances learning and memory and is effective in preventing various chronic diseases. However, due to its high content of unsaturated fatty acids, perilla oil can easily spoil. When spoiled omega-3 is absorbed by the body, it increases reactive oxygen species, posing a potential risk as a carcinogenic substance.


Since perilla oil spoils rapidly at room temperature, it should be tightly sealed and refrigerated at temperatures below 4°C. The Rural Development Administration recommends refrigerating perilla oil, especially when used at home. This helps to preserve its taste, aroma, and beneficial components without compromising their quality.


Storage Method for Sesame Oil

Sesame oil, rich in linoleic acid and oleic acid, belongs to the omega-6 series of oils that help prevent the formation of cholesterol and neutral fats in the blood. Additionally, sesame oil is abundant in lignans, which effectively inhibit aging. Sesame oil is less prone to spoilage even at room temperature because lignans inhibit the oxidation of the oil.


To keep sesame oil fresh, it is advisable to store it in a cool place away from direct sunlight and seal it tightly. According to experiments conducted by the Inha University Department of Food and Nutrition, the peroxide value of sesame oil only increased to 0.6 after 18 months of storage. This low value indicates that sesame oil can maintain its quality for an extended period as long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight or high temperatures.


Further: Mixed Storage Method

According to the Rural Development Administration, mixing sesame oil and perilla oil in an 8:2 ratio and storing them together can extend the shelf life while maintaining the flavors of both oils. This mixed storage method is a good way to utilize both oils while preserving their freshness.


We have now learned about the storage methods for healthy perilla oil and sesame oil. Proper storage is crucial not only for maintaining taste but also for preserving the efficacy of nutrients. In the future, consider utilizing this information to safely incorporate these two oils into your diet. Thank you!
